Lesley Wahle Elkins
Lesley Wahle Elkins


CrossFit level 1

CrossFit level 2

CrossFit Mobility Certification

Udemy Cupping Therapy certification

IHSA Sports First Aid and Successful Coaching


Attitude Nation Olympic Lifting certificate


Head Coach

Lesley Wahle Elkins

I have a passion for coaching. I love physical activity and physical challenges.  Each year I look for exciting new challenges outside my comfort zone.  I encourage my athletes to challenge themselves but it’s important to find joy in the process.  

I used to do the traditional training with my normal monotonous bench, back, and legs day. I began to feel complacent and unmotivated. Then I saw these amazing athletes on the TV doing CrossFit and I was instantly inspired. So, I began learning about the movements and became a level 1 Coach. Through this process, I found the biggest value of this program…The Community.

Aesthetics is NOT my number 1 goal. I always place priority on functionality and focus our athletes’ efforts on finding what their bodies can do. Once they do that, the aesthetics tend to naturally follow and remain for the long term.