Sarah Custer
Sarah Custer


Associates in Applied Science Exercise Science
CrossFit level 1


Sarah Custer

Growing up, Sarah was always in dance and gymnastics classes. Physical activity was always a big part of her life. She danced with a professional ballet company for a short period of time after high school and went on to earn her degree in Exercise Science.

After dancing with the ballet company, she ended her dance career, and I began to train more for muscle growth instead of weight loss. Like many others, she did the typical muscle group training each day with little results. In February of 2017, she was asked (after many failed attempts) by a good friend to join in a “bring a friend” class at Iron House CrossFit. Since then, she has trained during two pregnancies and it was significant to her quick recoveries.

“Growing up, I never imagined myself as a group fitness instructor. The thought of talking/teaching in front of a group of people terrified me, but CrossFit has brought me out of my comfort zone in that aspect as well. I want others to learn what their body is capable of without validation from the scale.”